Ready to take your Ace of Spades game to the next level? Deck it out with the Big Blind ornament and show off your style in the Crucible! Not only does it make your gun look cool, it also adds a unique touch of flare to your game. Get ready to shoot and score!
--Legal Notice--
*This is not an officially licensed product and is only considered FAN ART
§272.2 Prohibitions.
No person shall manufacture, enter into commerce, ship, transport, or receive any toy, look-alike, or imitation firearm (“device”) covered by this part as set forth in §272.1 unless such device contains, or has affixed to it, one of the markings set forth in §272.3, or unless this prohibition has been waived by §272.4.
[78 FR 4765, Jan. 23, 2013]
§272.3 Approved markings.
The following markings are approved by the Secretary of Commerce:
(a) A blaze orange (Fed-Std-595B 12199) or orange color brighter than that specified by the federal standard color number, solid plug permanently affixed to the muzzle end of the barrel as an integral part of the entire device and recessed no more than 6 millimeters from the muzzle end of the barrel.
[54 FR 19358, May 5, 1989, as amended at 57 FR 48454, Oct. 26, 1992; 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004. Redesignated and amended at 78 FR 4765, Jan. 23, 2013]